There are several things you should be taking not consideration when deciding whether it will be cheaper to repair or replace your computer. We need to take into account the age of the computer, the type of repair needed, and your specific needs. Here is what we look at to help you decide:
Age of Computer
Newer computers (under 3 years old) are generally worth repairing, as the hardware is still relatively modern, and repairs are typically less expensive than replacing. For older Computers (over 5 years old) replacement might be better, especially if the computer struggles to run current software or hardware repairs are expensive.
Minor vs. Major Issues
If you are experiencing more minor issues such as software bugs or small hardware upgrades, it is often cheaper to repair. Examples include replacing a faulty power supply, upgrading RAM, or reinstalling an operating system. On the other hand, if you are having major issues such as motherboard failure or extensive water damage, it could be costly to fix and might make replacement a better option.
Cost of Repair vs. Replacement
If the repair cost is less than 50% of the replacement cost, repair is usually the better choice. If the repair cost is greater than 50% of the replacement cost, you may want to consider replacing it.
Your Usage Needs
Older computers can often meet basic requirements such as web browsing or email with minor upgrades. If you are using an outdated computer for more advanced things such as gaming, 3d modeling or video editing, replacement may be more cost effective in the long run
Quick Guidelines
If you still can’t decide whether to repair or replace it, just remember to: Repair if the issue is minor or the device is relatively new. Replace it ifthe device is old, repair costs are high, or your needs have outgrown the hardware.
We can help with your decision as well; you can drop off the machine at our shop. We will give you our thoughts an let you know if an upgrade or if replacement would be better.